Thursday, November 10, 2011

They say release Beta without hesitation... I publish ALPHA

My Problem:
Wherever I see a problem... I start designing/building solution for it.

Control Issue:
When I have solution for something, I start formulating it into a prototype/project or at least a although of entire solution.

Bad Habit:
Without reaching at a stable stage on existing projects, I keep spawning new and unrelated Projects.

After Effects:
* This keeps dividing focus on existing projects' completion.
* Increased frustration for blocked projects
* Some projects don't see day-(internet)-light
* Many ideas don't get implemented 'coz fear of increasing bucket size for started…paused implementations.

I've been thinking of a solution for in past year, and then last year I started of with an approach..... tried it more this year and seems easing the situation a bit, approach to Put a Pin on what you have instead of worrying for what you don't.

Pin IT:
Get done whatever you could in the initial torque on project start so it has a clear theme and evolving design to follow.

PUBLISH it as Alpha, if you don't feel it is better than that.
I've even just mentioned the concepts for the ideas which would require much much more effort.
Your own APP (Alpha Personal Project) would be out there, at least.

This is one of ideas, I'd create a service for..... to post ideas, like Open Ideas for anyone to work upon..... when you would love to have it and don't have time/money/skill for it.


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